Thursday, May 14, 2009

The "final" countdown.

A lot of ideas and things live in my head, so Nick has rules. I have to give him 3 options of whatever it is I am trying to decide. Shirts, paint colors, rugs, dinner items, etc - otherwise I would offer endless possibilities and we would get nothing done. This is kinda the norm around here. Erin gives three options (two good ones and one I know he won't pick - hee) and Nick makes the "final" choice and Erin is so relieved that she can finally move on (really, really slowly and not before second guessing said choice several times).

Our Christmas Card was no exception. I had a few ideas in mind so I designed mock ups for Nick to choose from. I named them Option1, Option2 and Option3. He chose option 3. I agreed. It was a nice choice. Over the course of the next several days I worked on the "final" version of the card. I tweaked and tweaked until I came up with FinalChristmasCard2008.pdf - YEAH ME! I went to bed that night thrilled that I was done. Heh. Before I actually ordered the card I did the following modifications:
and lastly FINAL-FinalChristmasCard2008.pdf

You can see how this is a problem right? This is how crazy people act and I realize this. All for something that someone is going to glance at, MAYBE put up on a shelf for a month and then throw directly into the garbage.

Can you imagine how long this has taken me? The FinalFinalGardenLayout.pdf that is going to occupy my garden(fingers crossed)for the next 5 years? Imagine it. Just try to imagine the amount of crazy that went into this! Wait, on second though...don't. Your head might explode.

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